"It's not just a matter of childcare, but a place where childcare matters"
​Closure Due to Adverse Weather Conditions
On occasions Mother Nature may not be kind, snow, thunderstorms & hurricanes not only cause disruption to our lives but may also cause power failure to the Pre-School. On the rare occasions this may occur, a decision will be made to close the Pre-School, this decision is not taken lightly, and the following action is taken before the Pre-School closes.
Closure due to Power/Water failure
A member of Westside Pre-School staff will contact the WFCC manager to find out when the power/water supply will be restored.
Once the Pre-School has been provided with a time for the power/water to be returned a decision will be made based on the
length of time the power/water is expected to be off and the temperature of both the building and outside.
Due to the Health and Safety regulations we are unable to remain open for any length of time without running water.
Each parent will be contacted by telephone and asked to collect their child as soon as possible.
Closure due to adverse weather
Staff will ensure that they keep themselves informed of any adverse weather that may be due, along with monitoring the weather hourly.
A decision to close will be made based on the severity of the weather and the accessibility of the Pre-School, approach roads and for the safety of the children, parents and staff alike.
Should the Pre-School be unable to open at 9.00 a.m. Heart F.M. radio will be contacted and asked to announce the closure on air
along with display the information on their website.
Notification of closure will be placed on the Pre-School’s face book page.
Should it be necessary to close after the session as started, each parent will be contacted by telephone and asked to collect their child as soon as possible.
Unfortunately, if the Pre-School should be unable to open or must close early, we are unable to offer any cash refunds for lost sessions as Pre-School costs still have to be met. However, we will reoffer a replacement session based on the availability with the Pre-school. (Please note this is only applies to parents who are not claiming funded sessions for their child)